An event every month that begins at 6:00 pm on day Fourth of the month, happening 4 times
Every 4th Monday of the Month
Top Floor, Room-B
$5 – $10 Suggested Donation (no one will be turned away)
You’re invited to Riverside’s Neurodiverse Artmaking Drop-In! Join us from 6-8pm on every 4th Monday of the month. Gather with your local neurodiverse community and get creative. There will be be a provided project, and general crafting materials will also be available. Optional: Feel free to bring snacks to share with a labeled ingredient list. Hot and cold beverages provided!
This drop-in is specifically designed for neurodiverse teens and adults! That includes everybody: officially diagnosed and self-identified. Our facilitator, Lena, is autistic (undiagnosed), and xé has taught many neurodiverse college students (xé also has many ADHDer and autistic people in xyr life).
We provide supplies and laid-back instruction to make art projects that can typically be completed in about 60-90 minutes, and you’re welcome to follow step-by-step, modify to your heart’s content, or totally do your own thing and just hang out in the space making your own art.
The projects will mainly involve collage, drawing, painting, cutting paper, making zines or buttons, printmaking, and some simple weaving. Some of these will be modified from projects Lena has taught in college ART101 courses – sophisticated enough to be visually and conceptually interesting, but simple enough to not require much time or prior experience.
This is a space to make art, be around others also making art, and be ourselves. We hope you’ll join us!
*Sometimes people are going to have conflicting needs! We will do our best to accommodate everyone’s needs
See below for images detailing parking and facilities.
Image of Riverside Arts Center Parking Lot.
Image of Top Floor, Room-B where the Drop-in will occour.
Image of central entrance of Riverside Arts Center. This is the door to enter to take the elevator up to the Top Floor for the Drop-In.
“I am an artist and teacher. My own artwork spans a variety of media, including printmaking and fibers. I often teach college art courses, and I enjoy teaching people of all ages. Please call me Lena (LEE-na). If that feels too informal, you can call me Mx. Lena or Mx. Ellis-Boatman. My pronouns are xé/xem/xyr.
I grew up in Toledo, Ohio, and I’ve lived in Michigan since 2008. I’m kind of an outdoorsy geek: I love hiking and kayaking, and also science fiction and reading. I think of myself like this: Art is my career, teaching is my passion, and writing stories is my not-so-secret obsession.
I love teaching. I see our studio classroom as a creative community where we all work together and support each other. It’s my job to help you succeed at learning new things about art.”