Riverside Art Center is proud to support the creative community by offering affordable spaces for events, classes, performances and more.
Look for the “Rentals @ Riverside” logo in our events calendar for renter events happening at Riverside Arts Center.
Interested in renting at Riverside? Explore the information below and submit an inquiry!
The theater at the Riverside Arts Center (RAC) can be rented for theater, music, dance, and other performances and arts-related events. In addition to the theater itself, unless otherwise specified, the rental includes use of the lobby, box office, dressing room and backstage area.
- Theater Stage: 28’x22’x1.5′
- Seating: 115 fixed seats on risers + 25 folding chairs to set up in front of riser seats.
- Theatre capacity: 153
- Lobby: 41’x28′
- Lobby capacity: 80

Our largest space for non-theatrical events. The gallery is the home of Riverside’s exhibitions, in addition to galas and other large gatherings.
- 60’x50′ (3000 sq ft)
- Approx 2600 sq ft of open floor space
- 10 walls for hanging artwork
- Pedestals for 3D work
- Capacity: 174
- Access to 7 hexagonal tables, 5 8ft tables, 6 high top tables, 6 low top tables, 1 large round table, black chairs, additional folding chairs.

OFF Center (Ground Level)
- Approx 39’x36′
- Huron Street windows
- Kitchen/Workroom: 15’x11′
- Capacity: 49

Our light-filled dance studio is frequently used for dance classes, stage combat classes, yoga, zumba, and intimate performances.
- 39’x33′
- Natural light with windows over Huron St.
- Waiting Area: 34’x14′
- Wood Floors
- Capacity: 49
- Access to folding chairs
- Permanent and portable ballet barres
- Storage Closet

Rehearsal room and flex space perfect for theatre companies, music ensembles, improv groups, craft groups, and dancers.
- 42’x19′
- Windows with view to Huron St
- Windows to the north over parking lot
- Art sink access
- 16ft+ wall of mirrors on one side
- upright piano
- Capacity: 20
- Access to 3 6ft tables, wood back/cushion chairs.

Great rehearsal room for small groups, ensembles, or musicians.
- 14′ x 19′
- Capacity: 20
- Access to 1 6ft table, and chairs

Top Floor Main Room
- 22′ x 51;
- Large windows with natural lighting and track lighting
- Kitchenette
- Bathroom
- AV equipment, projector and automatic projector screen
- Access to 1 8ft table, 2 6ft tables, 20 black chairs, access to additional folding chairs.

Art STUDIOs (currently all rented)
- 5 Studios ranging from 120-150 sq ft
- White wood and brick walls
- Gray concrete floors
- Overhead lights, heat & AC shared
- Each with locking doors
- Safety paint cabinet & work sink
- Access to elevator & stairs